Thursday, November 26, 2009

Progressives Are Killers, All around

Being a progressive and being a killer seem to be on in the same.

The evidence of this is, the biggest governmental grab, the nationalized healthcare bill.

In this bill there are provisions that will allow for death panels (rationing) and for taxpayer funded abortion.

Section 1233 of H.R. 3200, which is titled “Advance Care Planning Consultation.” As we explained a few weeks ago, it "would require Medicare to pay for some end-of-life planning counseling sessions with a health care practitioner."

Section 1861(s)2 of the Social Security Act, defining what services Medicare will pay for. So if a patient receives a counseling session from a doctor or health care practitioner, he or she doesn’t have to pay for it.

SEC. 1920C. (a) STATE OPTION.—State plan approved under section 1902 may provide for making medical assistance available to an individual described in section 1902(hh) (relating to individuals who meet certain income eligibility standard) during a presumptive eligibility period. In the case of an individual described in section 1902(hh), such medical assistance shall be limited to family planning services and supplies described in 1905(a)(4)(C) and, at the State’s option, medical diagnosis and treatment services that are provided in conjunction with a family planning service in a family planning setting.

Progressiveism has infected both parties but the democratic party is in serious trouble of not being able to be cured. Where are the principled, old-school, Andrew Jackson/John F. Kennedy style democrats.e

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