Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rush-Babies Could Decide Next Elections

In 1988 rush began his nationally syndicated radio show.

The kids that grew up listening to The Rush Limbaugh Show are called Rush-Babies.

It is said that, at any given time, during his three-hour show, there are six to seven million people listening. If those people have kids, they are educating them in conservatism.

Sure, the young people went for Barak Obama in the last election but they are seeing that his policies are not good for them. They see that the policies will hurt them and look to not vote for anybody that espouses those policies.

To that extent, Creigh Deeds and John Corzine got beat. It did not matter that the president went on the stump for the two candidates. Then there was the New York twenty-third congressional district. If the republicans had picked the correct candidate, they would have run that race as well.

Watch out for the rush-babies.

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